TViX Backgrounds, Wallpapers and Icons

Welcome to my TViX page .

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Doctor Who

Another request done.

I must say a big thanks to everyone that has said thanks.

This is a form of relaxation for me, a time to unplug from the real world and play around with some images. I'm glad so many of you have been able to use them .

I will keep updating them every day with either new shows or updates on some of my older work .

If you have any Ideas, suggestions or requests just ask , I have a list and you can be added to it .

For today I have the newer version of Doctor Who. Not a show I watch anymore. I grew up with the Fourth Doctor and when he left I stopped watching.

Doctor Who (1280x720)

Folder and Season Icons (200x200)

Doctor Who (720x480)

Folder and Season Icons (100x136)

